Hey! So I know its been a super long time since I last wrote but thats because the computer was broken until last Saturday! Since I last wrote a lot has changed. First of all spanish has gotten a lot easier, I can understand most everything now and I can speak a lot quicker without having to think so hard. I also find myself thinking in spanish sometimes and I have had several dreams in spanish.
Another thing that has changed is that in general I feel more comfortable here its now like a second home. I'm also realizing it will be hard to leave because I'm making new friends and I really like it here. My exchange is going by so quickly its crazy, I have a little more than 2 months left. I almost wish I was staying for a whole year but that is a really long time and I would miss home a ton!
School is still very boring sometimes but its gonnen better. My favorite classes or the ones that I understand atleast a little are math, biology, music, technology, marketing, english, and there are some other classes that i understand sometimes. Here I don't have to take the tests because it would be impossible in most classes but I did take the Math and Technology tests. The grading system is different here instead of letters they have numbers 1 to 10 and the tests are therefore out of ten points. In math I got a 7 and in technology a 6, oh but in technology I was using the text book and my dictionary to help me! In music or art class we have been looking at Argentine music: Cumbia and Cuarteto, tomorrow we are presenting projects we did for music class. In marketing the teacher gave me a long article in spanish to translate in english so i have been working on that for the last 3 or 4 classes. And in biology we are studying genetics which I learned about last year so I understand it!
But there are some classes that I don't understand at all such as practica, I have never heard of this subject its the strangest thing its all about buying and investing and paying with numbers and charts and I don't get it at all! In classes that I don't unerstand I either read Harry Potter (in spanish) or I work in my spanish grammer book or I draw flowers in my binder!
Another change is the weather, when I arrived it was the end of summer and the days were hot and sunny. But now its fall and the mornings and nights are cold but usually the days get warm around 65 or 70 probably. But there has been days of rain and wind too. Two weeks ago it was very cold and we were freezing during the breaks at school when we all have to go out to the court yard! Since we have to wear skirts for our uniform my legs are often cold even with nylons!
So I have been going to the conservatorio to play cello. I have a lesson every Friday for one hour with a profesor, and about a month or more ago he lent me a cello to take home so now I can practice too! Cello is very uncommon here in fact when I was practicing the other day my host dad told me it was the first time he had ever seen someone play cello before, and then he ha lots of questions!
I also have been going to a gym every Monday and Wednesday there I take a class called "localizada" its with weights and kind of like pilates I think, but I don't really know exactly what pilates is so its just a guess. On Mondays there are usually 3 other girls that go to my school as well that are one or two years younger than me but on Wednesdays i'm definitely the youngest person there! And on Tuesdays and Thursdays we have Gym with school, we always run a little bit and then play handball, its the first time I've ever played handball so I'm not so good but its still fun! Our class is a mixture of grade 5 and 6 girls (I'm in grade 5) and the girls don't get along so well and it gets pretty competitive because of that, and I'm not terribly competitive.
So thats what lifes been like here and I like it a lot but don't worry I miss home a lot too so I will be coming back!!! :) The next post I will talk about Rio Cuarto the city I live in but I have to take some pictures first!
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