Saturday, March 12, 2011


School started just 2 days after i arrived, on march 1st. I am going to San Buenaventura it is a catholic private school. The school is just a 10 minute walk away from my house so we walk to school in the morning and back home after school. School starts at 7:30 and ends at 1:20. In the morning we all gather in the courtyard in the middle and the Argetina flag is raised and a bible verse is read, and then we can go to class.
Here we stay in the same class room for all the subjects and the teachers move around instead of the students. This way you get to know the other kids in your class well. We have 16 subjects and there are 4 blocks a day, but sometimes there is two sujects i one block. In between each block there is a 10 minute break were we have to go out to the courtyard. Also 2 times a week we have class in the afternoon from 6:30 to 8 pm and twice a week we have gym from 4-5pm.
we also have to wear uniforms, they arent very pretty but it makes getting dressed each morning a lot easier!

A lot of the classes i dont understand beause the teachers talk really fast so its boring for me a lot of the time, My classes are:

Matematica- math, its one of my favorites because i understand it!

Mercadotecnia- marketing, i havent had this class yet because we havent had classes on moday yet because of holidays

Seminario- Argentina Laws, its very hard to understand!
Pscicologia- psychology havent had this yet either

Artistica- Art, im not sure if this is art history or if we get to do art i hope we get to make art though

Practica- we dont have anything like it at home, its really odd. i dont understand it at all, the teachers gives us situations about buying things and there are all these calulations that you have to do and i´ve never heard of it at all so its a bit impossible.

Economia- economy, we have only had this class once so far and it was reviewing this flow chart about economy it made a little sense to me but not much.

Biologia- Biology, i liked this class because i understood it, the words were really simular to those in english so i knew what was going on, we review the vital body fuctions.

Historia- history, we read something about Argentina´s history and i didnt understand a thing.

Tecnologia- technology, the teacher assigned me the first page in the text book to translate into english! it wasnt to bad...

Ingles- English, i love this class! i feel so smart in it! But is is english for business which i thought was interesting.

Lengua- translated it means language but its literature, i dont know what i´m going to do in this class because there is no way i can read a book in spanish....

F. Cristiana- religion class, the teacher just talks the entire time and i dont know whats going on.

Geo- Geography i understood a tiny bit in this class....

Gestion- management for businesses we wrote about services and brands and i was able to do it!

Sistema-systems, this is like practica its with paying and were the money goes i think

Quimica- Chemistry, so far in this class all we have done is oral testing were the professor brings and student up to the front and asks them questions to see what they remember. in this class i was chewing gum and the teacher said somthing when i blew a bubble, i guess you arent allowed to blow bubbles..oops!

So those are my classes! its a lot or subjects and its really different from school at home!
My host sister and i in our uniforms!


  1. Sounds like so much fun! I was wondering if there is a different font, becasue this one is kinda hard to read

  2. yessssss! the font is very hard to read haha. also omg that is sooo many classes!! that is how it was when i went to germany too and i couldnt really understand too much either haha.

  3. wowww! that sounds... a bit frightening, not gonna lie, but also super exciting. i hope you're having a FABULOUS time! Esho-bosho from across the world. :)
